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Image by Jan Kopřiva
Skin Texture

JAMIE'S story

In 2023 Will lost his 29-year-old sister-in-law, Jamie to suicide. In the year before her passing, Jamie had actually won a mental health songwriting competition for a song she'd written about the struggles she faced. For Will, that song serves as a permanent reminder: the arts have a unique power for helping us to see and be seen. THIS IS HOW we SURVIVE seeks to honour Jamie, and all families who have lost someone to suicide by using art to  invite people into spaces of honesty, vulnerability and healing. 

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The initial production of THIS IS HOW we SURVIVE was funded in 2023 by a Creative Art Central commission on the Central Coast, a competitive program for local professional artists doing work that has a community-focused outcome.

A launch showing of the work occurred at The Art House in Wyong in April 2024. Now, through a suicide prevention grant from Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network (The PHN) the work is being expanded and rolled out widely across the Central Coast and beyond.

Australians are more likely to take their own life than die in motor vehicle accidents, and in 2022 alone, more than 3,200 Australians died by suicide (Black Dog Institute). Does it have to be this way? We acknowledge the complex factors and causes that lead to this picture; yet we refuse to accept it as the necessary state of reality. Suicide  has been referred to as 'death by loneliness'. We believe helping communities experience deep and genuine human connection can play a role in building stronger social networks and saving lives.

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OUR vision

We want to take THIS IS HOW we SURVIVE around Australia sparking vital conversations about mental health through profound experiences of story-based connection.

OUR goal


Total number of people we want to reach with the message of THIS IS HOW we SURVIVE.

JAN 2026

Our timeframe to achieve this

ABOUT lead by story

Lead by Story are social purpose storytellers. We've provided creative direction for million-dollar fundraising campaigns, created national youth mental health resources and produced multiple award-winning projects. Our clients have included headspace National, Central Coast Council, Anglicare Sydney, Relationships Australia, the Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network and more.


ABOUT will small

Will is a poet, writer and speaker, and the founding director of Lead by Story. Will is the author of Poems for When the World is Ending and a 3X national finalist at the Australian Poetry Slam. Known for work that is both philosophical and personal Will has the ability to connect with any audience and take them on a journey. In THIS IS HOW we SURVIVE, Will weaves together his finely-honed skills as a spoken word poet and storyteller with the ability to be present and attuned to the people in the room. 


ABOUT lead by story

Lead by Story are social purpose storytellers. We collaborate with organisations making change in the world and draw on our skills as artists, poets and film-makers to produce digital media and live experiences for social impact. We've provided creative direction for million-dollar fundraising campaigns, created national youth mental health resources and produced multiple award-winning projects. Our clients have included headspace National, Central Coast Council, Anglicare Sydney, Relationships Australia, the Hunter New England Central Coast PHN and more.


ABOUT will small

Will is a poet, writer and speaker, and the founding director of Lead by Story. Will is the author of Poems for When the World is Ending and a 3X national finalist at the Australian Poetry Slam. Known for work that is both philosophical and personal Will has the ability to connect with any audience and take them on a journey. In THIS IS HOW we SURVIVE, Will weaves together his finely-honed skills as a spoken word poet and storyteller with the ability to be present and attuned to the people in the room. 

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THIS IS HOW we SURVIVE is one of those live theatre experiences that puts everything happening outside the theatre doors on hold, and zones you back into our shared humanity and the precious fragility of it all. I felt close with the complete strangers I sat next to, and in awe of the storytellers who are also just like you and me.

Kris - Marketing & Development Manager, The Art House

Presented really well.
It made me really feel human.

Thank you.

Year 12 student

THIS IS HOW we SURVIVE beautifully captures the vulnerabilities and fragility of the human experience. Using real life stories engaged our cohort and reinforced the importance of reflection, perspective and taking a moment to breathe. It was one of the most beautiful, empowering and unique presentations that staff and students were moved by. The accompanying resources were outstanding.

Erin, Deputy Principal, Gorokan High School


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